IPHM Accredited Funeral Celebrant Training on the Isle of Avalon 2023

At SCA we are pioneering two comprehensive ‘in person’  Spiritual Funeral Celebrant programmes in 2023 in Glastonbury Somerset with an expert team guiding you the Celebrant  to be well versed in the correct etiquette for families and loved ones needing ceremonies that are complimentary and sympathetic to nature based spiritual belief systems.

Nature based belief systems sits under the banner of paganism, which can encompass many different beliefs, such as wiccan, Druidism, shamanism, witchcraft, nature worship, Goddess and so on. It’s hard to define a set of traditions that are always observed at a Pagan funeral. It is usually a matter of personal preference, reflecting the beliefs of the person who has died.

 A good Sacred Celebrant understands that their beliefs are not as widely known or understood as the major religions, therefore, it is the proper form for them to take the time to explain what is happening and what is expected during the funeral, for the benefit of those in attendance who may not be Pagan. At the same time we at SCA recognise that there is a gap within the civil funeral celebrant industry that more knowledge of natural spiritual beliefs and ceremony etiquette is very much needed to combine with their established practice, so that they too can offer their services across wider spectrum.

we celebrate the fact that we have found a way to bridge these two disciplines in a way that reaches easily across all aspects of celebrant work., and so as this year of 2022 draws to a close we are pleased to launch our two exciting course training programmes for 2023. ‘Spiritual Funeral & Memorial Celebrant’ training and ‘Advanced Spiritual Funeral Celebrant’ training (for established Funeral Celebrants).

 As well as offering a fantastic ‘in person’ training that covers all aspects of spiritual Celibrancy work, we are also including ‘Grief ceremonial work and ‘how to set up Death Cafes.

Adding grief ceremonial work, either for small groups or as a service for one to one sessions and hosting Death Cafes for your community can only benefit families and loved ones that book your services as a Celebrant and in turn expand your Celebrant business.

But there is more…. On our courses you are immersed within the transformational experience during your time with us. Your training happens on the Sacred Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury somerset, a land steeped in myth & legend of powerful ley lines and coincidences.. also known as the heart chakra of the planet your own heart will open even more as you step into your role as a Spiritual Funeral celebrant

 Your training with us is through experiences of ceremony and not academia. There are no formal exams,  for ‘knowing’ is the key to acquiring knowledge.. you will be hosted by Priestesses from the Glastonbury Goddess temple and a team of Sacred Celebrants, experts in ceremonial work. You will feel ‘differently’. About yourself.. lighter, expansive with a deeper sense of self.  There is a space that such a celebrant tunes into that is felt by everyone  within your sphere when you hold the space for ceremony.  In essence you are magnificently more ‘aware’ than ever before.

 Our courses include:

Introduction to soul Midwifery,

The Eulogy and the Four Elements of Nature,

 The Passing Over Ceremony (a ceremonial session to transition through the grief process)

 Creating sacred ceremonial incenses and applying this for your clients to participate,

 Activating your Celebrants candle, which symbolises illuminating the path ahead for the deceased and families,

 Sacred sound sessions in the Goddess Temple (to expand your senses prior to your training)

Outdoor ceremonial practice on the land of Avalon,

Learning smudging techniques… and much more. We are not just a learning programme; we open the door for you to step through and claim your magnificence as a Spiritual Funeral Celebrant.

I hope you will join us in 2023 on your epic journey.


Advanced Spiritual Funeral Training four and half days (for established Funeral Celebrant Only) May 10th-14th 2023   investment fee 850

Spiritual Funeral & Memorial Celebrant Training Seven Days Immersion (no previous experienced required) October 27th-2nd November 2023  investment fee 1500


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