Imbolc Newsletter

As a priestess from the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, I celebrate Imbolc as the returning of spring by honouring the Goddess Bridie, who represents the divine feminine in nature at this time of the solar year. Our colours are white and green, representing the snow that still dusts the land and the first of the greening. Tiny buds are shyly peeking toward the growing light and the first snowdrop flowers growing abundantly, showing off their brilliant, white, and much welcome flowery heads that signal the earth waking up. We decorate our altars and sacred spaces with beautiful objects, such as swans feathers, snowdrops, white candles and sumptuous cloths of ivory. Imbolc is one of the fire festivals that mark the seasons as the earth moves between the Equinoxes and Solstices. Imbolc means ‘ewes milk’, the first of the year’s lambs are born at this time and it is the first festival after the Winter solstice, falling on February 1st. We feel the earths energies rising after the long sleep of winter as feelings within ourselves of moving forwards and newness, in essence we are coming out of hibernation and the days stay lighter a little longer, hurtling toward the spring equinox.


At SCA we are unfolding like the first flowers that represent Imbolc, and are so pleased to get creative and offer news about our expanding projects. This month we are pleased to launch our fab new podcast ‘Quantum Celebrants’, hosted by myself Dawn Kinsella & Jade Dalton. This podcast is so much more than the usual advise, stories, ‘how to’ and wedding hacks. As well as amazing guest speakers we are including a wide range of subjects of interest that touch on what a Sacred Celebrant is encouraged to research as part of their training programme, such as earth’s subtle energies, quantum realities, ceremonial musings and meanings, and more. As part of our podcasting and to further stretch your mind we are introducing ‘Spooky Hour’ with Dawn and Holly Kinsella. Guest speakers and conversations on subjects including the ‘Mandela Effect’ and other mind bending topics. Our first broadcast is scheduled for early February and will also be available to listen to on Spotify!  

Date of broadcast will be advertised on our Sacred Celebrants Academy facebook page.

Imbolc is the time of the year when we feel what is often called ‘the Awakening’ a feeling of wanting to look at clearing the past year and moving into a space mentally of allowing new projects to be considered and explored. This can be many things, such as moving home, thinking of a new career, that training course that keeps coming into your mind and demanding attention, or a feeling to really clearing out stuff you no longer need.

At this time of year it’s great to try Feng shui for a powerful spiritual clear out and worth some research! Feng shui balances the five elements of nature in the home —earth, metal, water, wood, and fire and comes from the Taoist tradition. The elements are five interrelated phases in life that work together to create a complete system. Typically, when you feng shui your home you balance these five elements.  I tried this fascinating ancient system in my hallway recently. The hallway is the first entrance into the home and in my case it was clogged up with coats we mostly do not wear, muddy boots, trainers and shoes. A mess, that could not invite clear and abundant energies to flow through. Someone once told me that state of room is state of mind and I have always remembered this.

It makes so much sense! How good do you feel when you’ve cleared up and everything is tidy?

I put the coats, muddy boots and shoes away in cupboards and wardrobes before planning how this tiny space would look. First, I thoroughly dusted and cleaned, wiping the skirting boards with essential oils of geranium and lavender, sound clearing with my Tibetan singing bowls. I have a garden Buddha that was a random object in the lounge, and a fake Greek column that is a prop for the weddings that I conduct, some warm white LED lights and silk roses and… Wow!!! A total transformation and yes, it really works! Abundance and happy energies are flowing in! I can barely keep up with the opportunities coming my way! In essence I blessed the hallway and created a beautiful space for energies to flow through. Try it in your home today! There is also lots of info on the internet on how to feng shui your home. Start with one space and experience the effect.  

Sacred Celebrants Academy are global leaders in Accredited Spiritual Celebrant training and we are pleased to announce that we are now a recommended training provider by the Association of Independent Celebrants. (AOIC) This is a wonderful achievement for us, as we are part of such a highly professional not for profit organisation. The AOIC are instrumental in putting forward to Parliament for Celebrants to be licenced to conduct legal weddings. We are also honoured to have the President of AOIC, Grace Jevons, coming to Glastonbury this year to be with us on the  Spiritual Funeral and Memorial Celebrant training. For details on membership with AOIC for Celebrant support head over to their website.

And finally, we are holding our first ever gathering of Sacred Celebrants this year!  All Sacred Celebrants and all trainees that have signed up for the trainings, are invited to the gathering, called, ‘Avalon Celebrants Grove’. This will happen in Glastonbury Isle of Avalon over two days 18th & 19th November 2023. We are setting up a wonderful itinerary for you to enjoy, including talks, discussions, ceremonies and experiences, and so much more! Our gift to you.

Imbolc Blessings from all of us at Sacred Celebrants Academy. May abundance, sweetness and good health bless you, your family and your community


November Newsletter


Yuletide Festive Newsletter