In the Name of Love

The Invocation of the Heart Song

Question: What happens on the etheric plains of this strange existence when one invokes the beloved to become present? We still know so very little of the unchartered landscapes of the human soul, especially when it comes to love, it’s all encompassing energies, capabilities and frequencies. One thing is clear, love is the most mysterious force of nature that we experience here on earth, one that we all try constantly to connect and re-connect too time and time again with in many forms,   love of the self, of spiritual love, love of the beloved, of family, and friendship. The ancient Greeks had   8 words to describe different aspects of Love, as follows: 

Phillia: Love without romantic attraction, such as between family and friends

Pragma: Enduring Love

Storge: Familiar Love

Eros: Romantic Love

Ludus: Playful Love

Mania: Obsessive Love

Philautia: Self Love

Agape: Selfless Love

I have long been an advocate of the study of quantum mechanics and the fascinating subject of how subtle energies create and affect the world around us. Every single one of us is made of energy, and this energy is turned into vibrations. A thought or intention creates an energy output that makes changes in our environment, we literally manifest what we want or even don’t want… thoughts are things and are extremely powerful, we can even change the molecules of water with our feelings and thoughts, I refer in particular to Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, but this is the subject of another blog for another time, and a subject that is also covered here at the Academy.

My question ran deeply the more I worked with couples and heard their stories of how they first met… I felt that something happened long before the meeting happens, that the clarion call rings loudly, clearly and that we pick up these signals , often long before knowing the of the beloveds existence.

This became an absolute truth the more I pondered it.  I felt that this should be ritualised  in the Handfasting wedding ceremonies..

And so in 2016, after conducting many Pagan weddings and working with couples energies  I channelled the ceremony known as the Invocation of the heart song, which became part of the wedding ceremonial content at Goddess Temple Weddings.  I now teach this important ritual as part of the Sacred Celebrant Training.  In this we cover the subject of subtle energy forms, in particular the knowing that we connect with the beloved with our extra senses. Activating the souls longing to re unite with our soul mate or twin flame. The heart invocation is a mysterious song of loves yearning that is irresistible to beloveds as they begin to move towards the day of the first meeting .

  Once met, there is often a sense of recognition or familiarity between them, as I have often heard in my years of working with couples. The invocation is a harmonic resonance that reaches across time and dimensions.

This is a valuable part of the Handfasting marriage rites in that it takes the beloveds back in time to meeting each other, to remember this and to acknowledge the magic and power of the heart song. even though they were often unaware that this was what their desire and longing for love was initiating…

As a Priestess Celebrant for Goddess Temple Weddings   I would often feel a sense of void and bereft after a Handfasting when the Invocation was conducted, being single I found it challenging to return alone to my apartment and often needed to be with my Sister Priestesses for some time afterwards to re calibrate and process.. The power of the Invocation was overwhelming at times.

To fully understand and absorb it became clear over time that I needed to become melded into the resonance of the ceremony for myself, this became apparent.. I had nothing to lose by expanding my experience and everything to gain by it..  I began to question if I were Manifesting the invocation to myself by performing the sacred rituals? Perhaps…     It could be said that what happened next was inevitable.   Working in the field of love as a Priestess Wedding Celebrant , conducting Sacred Weddings, teaching of love and the Celtic Handfasting ,  surely I must experience the very energies that I have long held in service for so many couples. There was only one way to know… 

And so In  2020,  I experienced the invocation of the heart in my own life. 

It was a hot sunny morning April 24th when I made my way to where I felt was the right space, a favourite spot of mine where I have always felt such strong energies of overwhelming magic and serenity.. Over the years of my temple life on the Isle of Avalon, I have moon bathed there, picnicked, played music, cried, drummed, sang, lay, had ideas, visions, manifested…. It was the perfect place for an invocation..   With May 1st fast approaching there was an abundance of  hawthorn bushes, the sacred flower of the Beltane rites…perfect…   There I collected the hawthorn. Bare hands unprotected, my fingers bleeding from the piercing thorns, I created a giant heart on the land.      Blood of my blood becoming a part of the thorny flowering stems and into the land.. Deeply I entered the familiar state of embodiment, a practice taught to me on the Priestess of Avalon training.   In my trance I created a powerful vortex to call in my beloved… My soul ascended, creating an arc from the land to the star constellations and back to the land, into me, my being, my soul.  

As I lay within the centre of the heart. I felt a divine presence flow thorough me.  Sublime and undeniable, I knew that a powerful event had happened a doorway opened.    To this day I have no idea of any time frame, how long it took me to create the heart, how long I lay there in the land, what I do know however is that within one hour after my ceremony  my twin flame contacted me from 2000 miles away.. We have become inseparable since then..

This ceremony was personal to me, as a Priestess who needed to be activated and although completely different to what is conducted during the Handfasting, clearly this was my initiation to conduct the heart song rituals. It is my bliss to pass this sacred knowledge on to all who step forward as the Sacred Celebrant.

The marriage rites are a deep and important coming together of those that wish to commit in a sacred and spiritual way. In the spirit of recalling and reclaiming the long remembered song of the invocation of Love.


Dawn Kinsella

Dawn Kinsella, Priestess of Avalon, Founder of Sacred Celebrants Academy


Tying the Marriage Knot


Samhain and the Passing Over Ceremony