Samhain and the Passing Over Ceremony

Introducing Our New Training The Funeral Celebrant

Here at the Academy in Glastonbury we had a deeply intensive weekend on the 'Way of the Sacred Celebrant'training . As this is the season of Samhain, which is an ancient Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest year and the beginning of Winter, it is also an ancient tradition of honouring our beloved dead the and ancestors. As we are a training that bio dynamically connect with the energies of natures rhythms in ceremonial work, Samhain is the perfect energy for the training weekend of the 'Passing Over Ceremony'.

With ground altars representing the four elements created with loving intention our students dived fully and sweetly into the depths of the 'Passing Over ceremony, with Priestesses Dawn Kinsella and Mandy Kay A pre cursor ceremony that happens before or just after the formal funeral, this intimate ceremony allows the bereaved to journey with the beloved departed, inviting loved ones to immerse safely and freely , express their feelings, gratitude, sadness and depths, with the Sacred Celebrant holding the space and sacred rites. Our students absolutely blew us away! Each one held the rites of passage with grace, compassion, respect and professionalism. Each Celebrant was hugely challenged with the emotional content of the training, and each Celebrant conducted beautiful meaningful ceremonies that still echo within us all.. You are all truly empowered and amazing Celebrants!

The following day our Pagan Funeral Celebrant Marisa Picardo talked through the pros & cons of this deep work, the weekend was concluded with setting up a Death Cafe with Marisa, an enriching experience, with tea & biscuits! 

Here is some feedback from one of our trainee Celebrants that we received the following Monday morning.

'I felt a strong feeling to thank you and your team so much for the weekend. Our course, so far has been a truly fantastic experience. I was sat earlier in my van at work, just going over all we have experienced and learnt.. Fantastic, it's great.. so I wanted to thank you for all your hard work to give us this fabulous knowledge and experience'. Jim

There is a huge interest in Pagan Funerals and for the Celebrants that can conduct these ceremonies with respect, compassion, professionalism, the correct protocol, confidence and grace.  There are many Celebrants that are drawn to this sacred work. Is this you?  We offer the very best training in Funeral Celebrancy with Priestess Bee Helygen.  Priestess of Avalon Priestess of Cerridwen.  Email us to find out more.    Samhain Blessings for the Isle of Avalon  

Dawn Kinsella

Dawn Kinsella, Priestess of Avalon, Founder of Sacred Celebrants Academy


In the Name of Love


A Beltane Handfasting